yambs (Yet Another MusicBrainz Seeder) 20241001-c6f8652

This is a tool for seeding MusicBrainz edits. For more information, see the repository.

area_nameArea name to prefill search
begin_area_nameBegin area name to prefill search
begin_dateDate when artist began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
disambiguationComment disambiguating this artist from others with similar names
edit_noteNote attached to edit
end_area_nameEnd area name to prefill search
end_dateDate when artist ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
endedWhether the artist has ended ("1" or "true" if true)
genderInteger gender ID describing artist's gender
ipi_codesComma-separated IPI (Interested Party Information) codes
isni_codesComma-separated ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) codes
make_votableMake edits votable even if they would be auto-edits ("1" or "true" for true)
mbidMBID of existing artist to edit (if empty, create artist)
nameArtist's name
rel*_attr*_creditedRelationship attribute's credited-as text
rel*_attr*_textRelationship attribute's additional text
rel*_attr*_typeInteger link attribute type or UUID describing the relationship attribute type
rel*_backwardWhether the relationship direction is reversed ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_begin_dateDate when relationship began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_end_dateDate when relationship ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_endedWhether the relationship has ended ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_source_creditSource entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_targetMBID or name of entity at other end of relationship
rel*_target_creditTarget entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_typeInteger link type or UUID describing the relationship type
sort_nameArtist's sort name
typeInteger artist type
url*_typeInteger link type describing how URL is related to entity
url*_urlURL related to entity
begin_dateDate when event began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
canceledSynonym for "cancelled" field
cancelledWhether event was cancelled ("1" or "true" if true)
disambiguationComment disambiguating this event from others with similar names
edit_noteNote attached to edit
end_dateDate when event ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
make_votableMake edits votable even if they would be auto-edits ("1" or "true" for true)
mbidMBID of existing event to edit (if empty, create event)
nameEvent's name
rel*_attr*_creditedRelationship attribute's credited-as text
rel*_attr*_textRelationship attribute's additional text
rel*_attr*_typeInteger link attribute type or UUID describing the relationship attribute type
rel*_backwardWhether the relationship direction is reversed ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_begin_dateDate when relationship began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_end_dateDate when relationship ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_endedWhether the relationship has ended ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_source_creditSource entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_targetMBID or name of entity at other end of relationship
rel*_target_creditTarget entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_typeInteger link type or UUID describing the relationship type
setlistEvent's setlist
timeEvent's starting time as "HH:MM"
typeInteger event type
url*_typeInteger link type describing how URL is related to entity
url*_urlURL related to entity
area_nameArea name to prefill search
begin_dateDate when label began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
disambiguationComment disambiguating this label from others with similar names
edit_noteNote attached to edit
end_dateDate when label ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
endedWhether the label has ended ("1" or "true" if true)
ipi_codesComma-separated IPI (Interested Party Information) codes
isni_codesComma-separated ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) codes
label_codeLabel's 4- or 5-digit label code (without "LC-" prefix)
make_votableMake edits votable even if they would be auto-edits ("1" or "true" for true)
mbidMBID of existing label to edit (if empty, create label)
nameLabel's name
rel*_attr*_creditedRelationship attribute's credited-as text
rel*_attr*_textRelationship attribute's additional text
rel*_attr*_typeInteger link attribute type or UUID describing the relationship attribute type
rel*_backwardWhether the relationship direction is reversed ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_begin_dateDate when relationship began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_end_dateDate when relationship ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_endedWhether the relationship has ended ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_source_creditSource entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_targetMBID or name of entity at other end of relationship
rel*_target_creditTarget entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_typeInteger link type or UUID describing the relationship type
typeInteger label type describing label's main activity
url*_typeInteger link type describing how URL is related to entity
url*_urlURL related to entity
addressAddress of place (using standard format for its country)
area_nameArea name to prefill search
begin_dateDate when place was founded as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
coordinatesLatitude and longitude of the place's location as comma-separated values
disambiguationComment disambiguating this place from others with similar names
edit_noteNote attached to edit
end_dateDate when place was closed as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
endedWhether the place has closed ("1" or "true" if true)
make_votableMake edits votable even if they would be auto-edits ("1" or "true" for true)
mbidMBID of existing place to edit (if empty, create place)
namePlace's name
rel*_attr*_creditedRelationship attribute's credited-as text
rel*_attr*_textRelationship attribute's additional text
rel*_attr*_typeInteger link attribute type or UUID describing the relationship attribute type
rel*_backwardWhether the relationship direction is reversed ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_begin_dateDate when relationship began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_end_dateDate when relationship ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_endedWhether the relationship has ended ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_source_creditSource entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_targetMBID or name of entity at other end of relationship
rel*_target_creditTarget entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_typeInteger link type or UUID describing the relationship type
typeInteger place type
url*_typeInteger link type describing how URL is related to entity
url*_urlURL related to entity
artistMBID of artist receiving primary credit for recording
artist*_creditedArtist's name as credited
artist*_joinJoin phrase used to separate artist and next artist (e.g. " & ")
artist*_mbidArtist's MBID
artist*_nameArtist's name for database search
disambiguationComment disambiguating this recording from others with similar names
edit_noteNote attached to edit
isrcsComma-separated ISRCs identifying recording
lengthRecording's duration as e.g. "3:45.01" or total milliseconds
make_votableMake edits votable even if they would be auto-edits ("1" or "true" for true)
mbidMBID of existing recording to edit (if empty, create recording)
nameRecording's name
rel*_attr*_creditedRelationship attribute's credited-as text
rel*_attr*_textRelationship attribute's additional text
rel*_attr*_typeInteger link attribute type or UUID describing the relationship attribute type
rel*_backwardWhether the relationship direction is reversed ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_begin_dateDate when relationship began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_end_dateDate when relationship ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_endedWhether the relationship has ended ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_source_creditSource entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_targetMBID or name of entity at other end of relationship
rel*_target_creditTarget entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_typeInteger link type or UUID describing the relationship type
titleSynonym for "name" field
url*_typeInteger link type describing how URL is related to entity
url*_urlURL related to entity
videoWhether this is a video recording ("1" or "true" if true)
annotationAdditional freeform information describing release
artist*_creditedArtist's name as credited
artist*_joinJoin phrase used to separate artist and next artist (e.g. " & ")
artist*_mbidArtist's MBID
artist*_nameArtist's name for database search
barcodeRelease barcode (or "none" if release has no barcode)
disambiguationComment disambiguating this release from others with similar names
edit_noteNote attached to edit
event*_countryCountry of release event as ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code (e.g. "GB", "US", "FR", "XW")
event*_dateDate of release event as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
event*_dayDay of release event (1-31)
event*_monthMonth of release event (1-12)
event*_yearYear of release event
label*_catalogCatalog number for label
label*_mbidMBID of label
label*_nameName for label (to prefill search if MBID is unknown)
languageRelease language as ISO 693-3 code (e.g. "eng", "deu", "jpn")
make_votableMake edits votable even if they would be auto-edits ("1" or "true" for true)
mbidMBID of existing release to edit (if empty, create release)
medium*_formatMedium format (e.g. "CD", "Digital Media")
medium*_nameMedium name
medium*_track*_artist*_creditedArtist's name as credited
medium*_track*_artist*_joinJoin phrase used to separate artist and next artist (e.g. " & ")
medium*_track*_artist*_mbidArtist's MBID
medium*_track*_artist*_nameArtist's name for database search
medium*_track*_lengthTrack length as e.g. "3:45.01" or total milliseconds
medium*_track*_numberTrack number
medium*_track*_recordingTrack recording MBID
medium*_track*_titleTrack title
nameSynonym for "title" field
packagingRelease packaging (e.g. "Jewel Case", "None")
release_groupMBID of existing release group
scriptRelease script as ISO 15924 code (e.g. "Latn", "Cyrl")
statusRelease status (e.g. "Official", "Promotion", "Bootleg", "Pseudo-Release")
titleRelease title
typesComma-separated types for new release group (e.g. "Single,Soundtrack")
url*_typeInteger link type describing how URL is related to entity
url*_urlURL related to entity
artist*_creditedArtist's name as credited
artist*_joinJoin phrase used to separate artist and next artist (e.g. " & ")
artist*_mbidArtist's MBID
artist*_nameArtist's name for database search
disambiguationComment disambiguating this release group from others with similar names
edit_noteNote attached to edit
make_votableMake edits votable even if they would be auto-edits ("1" or "true" for true)
mbidMBID of existing release group to edit (if empty, create release group)
nameRelease group's name
primary_typeInteger primary release group type ID
rel*_attr*_creditedRelationship attribute's credited-as text
rel*_attr*_textRelationship attribute's additional text
rel*_attr*_typeInteger link attribute type or UUID describing the relationship attribute type
rel*_backwardWhether the relationship direction is reversed ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_begin_dateDate when relationship began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_end_dateDate when relationship ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_endedWhether the relationship has ended ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_source_creditSource entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_targetMBID or name of entity at other end of relationship
rel*_target_creditTarget entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_typeInteger link type or UUID describing the relationship type
secondary_typesComma-separated integer secondary release group type IDs
titleSynonym for "name" field
url*_typeInteger link type describing how URL is related to entity
url*_urlURL related to entity
disambiguationComment disambiguating this series from others with similar names
edit_noteNote attached to edit
make_votableMake edits votable even if they would be auto-edits ("1" or "true" for true)
mbidMBID of existing series to edit (if empty, create series)
nameSeries's name
ordering_typeInteger series ordering type
rel*_attr*_creditedRelationship attribute's credited-as text
rel*_attr*_textRelationship attribute's additional text
rel*_attr*_typeInteger link attribute type or UUID describing the relationship attribute type
rel*_backwardWhether the relationship direction is reversed ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_begin_dateDate when relationship began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_end_dateDate when relationship ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_endedWhether the relationship has ended ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_source_creditSource entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_targetMBID or name of entity at other end of relationship
rel*_target_creditTarget entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_typeInteger link type or UUID describing the relationship type
typeInteger series type
url*_typeInteger link type describing how URL is related to entity
url*_urlURL related to entity
attr*_typeInteger work attribute type describing attribute
attr*_valueWork attribute's value
disambiguationComment disambiguating this work from others with similar names
edit_noteNote attached to edit
iswcsComma-separated ISWCs identifying work
languagesComma-separated integer language IDs for work lyrics
make_votableMake edits votable even if they would be auto-edits ("1" or "true" for true)
mbidMBID of existing work to edit (if empty, create work)
nameWork's name
rel*_attr*_creditedRelationship attribute's credited-as text
rel*_attr*_textRelationship attribute's additional text
rel*_attr*_typeInteger link attribute type or UUID describing the relationship attribute type
rel*_backwardWhether the relationship direction is reversed ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_begin_dateDate when relationship began as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_end_dateDate when relationship ended as "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY"
rel*_endedWhether the relationship has ended ("1" or "true" if true)
rel*_source_creditSource entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_targetMBID or name of entity at other end of relationship
rel*_target_creditTarget entity's name as credited in relationship
rel*_typeInteger link type or UUID describing the relationship type
typeInteger work type
url*_typeInteger link type describing how URL is related to entity
url*_urlURL related to entity

Seeded MusicBrainz edits



Opening edit…